About Us

A Brief Intro

Madinah Welfare Trust was founded in 2017 in response to the plight and dire situation of the populace of some remote states of India. A few visits by locals of UK confirmed the high demand for urgent help that was required in these regions.

These were areas where hardly any charity presence existed and whose inhabitants were, due to extreme poverty, unable to travel around the country for assistance, let alone going or contacting anyone overseas.

From this point onwards, the humble efforts expanded into what Madinah Welfare Trust is today. Granted, we still haven't grown to our full potential, but we are growing from strength to strength.

In the meantime, with the support of our generous donors, we have been able to launch many projects, including supporting the Rohingya refugees, distributing food packages in Ramadan, helping build new mosques and madrasahs, supporting existing mosques and centres of learning, supporting the pandemic-afflicted, training teachers and subsidising salaries of under-salaried imams.

We would like to thank our donors for their amazing support without which we could not have achieved what we have.

Our Vision

In the coming years we plan to to expand our exisitng projects as well as add new ones. We ask all to continue with their incredible support and join hands with us in this brillliant and rewarding journey.

Our Activities​

Building Masjids
Sponsoring Marriages
The Impoverished
Water Facilities
Providing Islamic Education
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